Subject: lease grace period ended
This is an official notification of the ending of the lease on Mind St
You can now redirect your efforts to Matter St or remind in Mind by creating another lease. In Mind St we always have many options for keeping your business:
We have illusions, smoking mirrors and dead dreams transmuted into shallow rage that causes unexpected triggering of your wounds.
Only in embodying you’ll get a Matter lease.
Only in the alchemy from dream to creation we can assign you a new contract.
Q & A
No, we don’t have an expiration date for Matter leases, but we can only guarantee the next day, like the cocuyo enough light for one step.
Yes, you can stay as long as you move from head to this world
No, we do not have a problem with visitors at Matter (visitors in Mind are not tracked by us) but they tend to pull you away if they live in Mind.
We do have a school on Matter St but you’ll notice that the curriculum is assigned already and the lessons will come with the way.
For you are the answer, life is the message and bridging the two, the test.