Free to f*ck up

Free to fuck up

More importantly, because she is so clear on her values, she is free to fuck up. She gives herself permission to take action even if she doesn’t know what she’s doing, even if she knows she’s not the best, because fucking up will not stop her. She is completely committed to learning and doing better and getting good shit done.

Be free to fuck up. Do whatever you need to do to find the strength to give yourself permission to be rooted in your values, so you can move through the world not caring and caring deeply. Give yourself permission to take action even, particularly when you don’t know what you are doing, fucking up should not, will not stop you. Commit to the learning experience completely, to do better each time and to ultimately get shit done. Free to fuck up gives you freedom to move and freedom to forgive. All at the same time, in the same arena. Freedom, your ultimate pursuit, is not the external freedom of the shackles of society and the boulder of expectations. The freedom for inner comfort, guidance and love. Freedom from the internal beliefs that bewilder our own growth. We are meant to grow, growth is impossible without failure. There is a dance between challenge, learning, growth, lesson that we need to engage in at each stage of our lives. Giving ourselves permission to fuck up is the start of this dance, or the end, it’s a cycle. It’s the hand in the dance hall extending, it’s life pulling you in. Resisting life is suffering, futility disguised as bad luck and lack of harmony and inner peace. You are this life that wants to pull you in. Feel free to fuck whatever needs to be fucked up for you to continue the learning and move through the cycles. Inaction and fear of consequences are ways to stop life flowing, We should aim for life flowing always through us. Sometimes, part of us needs to be shattered, for this growth to happen, and we need to allow it, welcome it, sometimes we need to do the slaughtering ourselves. Free to fuck up comes with a responsibility. The one to accept the consequences of our decisions and our actions in ourselves and in others. The responsibility to accept the awareness that this is teaching us and the commitment to carry the lesson with us to the next cycles. Do it openly, while holding yourself along the way, with care, gentleness and profound love. Our fuck ups are not meant to define us. Treating ourselves with grace, compassion and generosity as we navigate our fuck ups is fundamental to the process. What lessons would you be learning otherwise if you teach yourself that a failure moment is the sure road to relentless criticism, betrayal and abandonment of yourself? Not the one you should I can assure you. As we move free to fuck up we move in constant grace and forgiveness. To ourselves first. And we move in accountability, holding ourselves to our own standards and asking forgiveness for those we might have hurt in the process. And then reflect, on the challenge, the actions and the lessons. And then we pack the things we should carry, leave what we shouldn’t and continue the path.


Good ideas and projects die unknown at higher rates than we think


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